How To Install Procreate On PC – Windows 11/10/8/7
Are you planning on creating wonderful graphics and art? Did you know that you can do it with a powerful software called “Procreate”? You don’t have to be a professional in order to use it. Anyone, including beginners, will be able to make art from it using its friendly user interface.
The Procreate app has an innovative interface and tools which allow the artist to create multiple layers, illustrations, or patterns. This application also has multiple brushes available in order to make great animations or art.
Unlike other software that has only a limited amount of art you can do, the Procreate does not limit the number of your work, and you can create as many arts as you want. Just like Adobe Photoshop, Procreate is a complete art studio that has an endless possibility of making graphical ideas.
Because of its rich properties, many people would want to run the Procreate on a Windows PC. However, since this application was made for iOS, the Windows version is currently unavailable.
But people can still install this app by following the guide written here. Before discussing it further, let us give you a more in-depth idea about what this software can do.
Table of Contents
Обзор Procreate
Пользователь может начать процесс рисования с чистого холста. Для создания шедевра используются различные кисти, для которых предусмотрены настройки толщины и контура. Все художественные инструменты разделены на несколько категорий: с их помощью пользователь может легко ориентироваться в библиотеке кистей. Художник может применять техники красок, чернил, мела, аэрозолей и даже каллиграфии, а наброски могут создаваться с помощью пальца. Рисование станет еще удобнее при использовании специального графического пера.
Procreate позволяет работать с многослойными эскизами: слои можно изменять, группировать и удалять. Для цветовой насыщенности в приложение добавлена полноценная палитра; если подходящего оттенка не нашлось, можно импортировать собственный. Также в редакторе присутствуют инструменты для создания фильтров, накладываемых на рисунки. Также можно использовать богатую коллекцию эффектов, которые помогают разнообразить эскизы. Редактор поддерживает качественные изображения с разрешением вплоть до 4K.
Приложение Прокрейт можно использовать для создания анимации. Среди анимационных функций представлены калькирование, раскадровки, аниматики и многое другое. Готовую картину можно сохранить в различных форматах, в том числе для последующего использования в Photoshop. Рисунком также можно поделиться в соцсетях, порадовав друзей уникальными изображениями. Не стоит беспокоиться за потерю эскиза – в Procreate реализовано непрерывное автосохранение.
«57 уроков по иллюстрации в Procreate»
- Срок обучения: 57 материалов с обучающим контентом.
- Форма контента: лекции + задания в видео.
- Связь с преподавателем: нет.
- Срок регистрации на поток: без ограничений.
- Необходимый уровень знаний: для новичков.
- Проверка домашки: без проверки.
Обучающая программа: в этой подборке мы собрали 57 наиболее интересных и полезных уроков для тех, кто хочет освоить Procreate.
Где скачать и как установить
Приложение доступно к скачиванию в официальном магазине Apple: Редактору требуется iPadOS версии 13.2 или выше. Установка проходит в штатном режиме через App Store. Программа занимает порядка 350 Мб внутренней памяти. Цена – 900 рублей.
Интерфейс приложения нельзя назвать сложным, а скорее наоборот – интуитивно понятным. Какое-то специальное обучение или курсы проходить нет необходимости. Разве что по части рисования, а не использования софта.
Все наброски хранятся на главном экране приложения. Посредством основного меню можно создавать новые иллюстрации, перемещать или группировать уже готовые проекты. Для начала работы достаточно нажать на иконку в виде плюса в правой части интерфейса.
Затем необходимо выбрать параметры холста из предложенных вариантов, либо задать свои уникальные значения. Здесь же указывается количество доступных слоёв. Принцип работы с Procreate можно сравнить с тем же Photoshop: больше холст – меньше слоёв и наоборот.
При создании нового холста следует обратить внимание на такой параметр, как DPI. Он влияет на качество печати. Оптимальное значение для большинства рядовых проектов – 300 dpi.
После создания и настройки холста открывается рабочее пространство:
- Галерея. Здесь собраны все работы пользователя и демонстрационные проекты.
- Действия. Добавление изображений, текста, анимации на холст. Всё это можно вырезать, группировать и делится с единомышленниками.
- Настройки. Корректировка самых разных параметров: цвет, тон, насыщенность, шумы и прочее.
- Выделение. Обозначение объектов на слое для последующего редактирования.
- Трансформация. Изменение размеров, вращение и обрезка.
Разберём основные инструменты графического редактора.
Выбор действительно очень большой. При этом программа позволяет подгружать дополнительные кисти от диджитал-художников. При необходимости инструмент настраивается силами пользователя с оглядкой на поставленные задачи.
В наборе есть как классические кисти, так и текстурные варианты, посредством которых можно создать оригинальные эффекты, вроде облаков, ткани или воды. Также имеются многочисленные имитации ручек, карандашей и красок: акварель, масло, пастель и т.п.
С помощью инструмента StreamLine можно увеличить или наоборот уменьшить колебание линий в момент отрисовки. Функция особенно придётся кстати начинающим художникам, осваивающим цифровое рисование.
Кисти часто используют в паре с инструментами «Палец» и «Ластик». Первый размывает изображение, что пригодится для сглаживания краёв объектов. «Ластик» соответственно стирает нарисованное. Но и его можно настроить для создания какого-либо эффекта, выбрав одну из кистей.
В сети можно найти много уроков по работе с кистями в Procreate, курсы по освоению всей программы, к примеру, Школа цифрового рисования PROCREATE SCHOOL.
Кроме того существуют полезные книги,например, Уличнэй, Грюневальд, Стокарт: Procreate. Учимся создавать шедевры на Ipad.
По нажатию на кнопку «Слои» приложение выводит список всех доступных к управлению уровней. Для каждого предусмотрен свой набор действий: маски, очистка, копирование, режимы и т.д. Слои можно группировать или деактивировать в один-два клика.
При создании нового проекта один слой установлен по умолчанию – фон. Для редактирования следует снять галочку с иконки в виде замка. Остальные слои доступны пользователю без каких-либо ограничений. Кликая по иконкам в правой части интерфейса можно выбрать нужный эффект или инструмент.
Здесь также всё наглядно и лишних вопросов не возникает. Программа предлагает свой набор палитры, но при необходимости можно создать свою уникальную гамму. В галерее реализована удобная система поиска по номеру или оттенку.
Функция «Гармония» позволяет подбирать цвета по отношению друг к другу. Инструмент будет полезен при выборе фона для уже имеющихся на холсте элементов.
Это помощник для начинающих художников. После активации ассистента все линии на выходе будут ровными без оглядки на плоскость, изометрию или перспективу. Для рисования объектов достаточно замкнуть линию на первой и последней точке, после чего удерживать стилус.
Ассистент в автоматическом порядке подгонит периметр. Таким образом можно рисовать ровные овалы, прямоугольники и прочую геометрию. Если кликнуть по центру изображения удерживая стилус, то получится правильная фигура: круг, квадрат и т.п.
List of Top Procreate Alternatives for Windows 10
1. Autodesk Sketchbook — Tried and Tested
Autodesk Sketchbook is a widely popular program for digital drawing and it’s recommended as the best Procreate alternative for Windows 10. The best part is that this powerful program is now available for free to everyone, unlike Procreate which costs $9.99. You just need to sign up for a free account and you can use the fully-featured version of Sketchbook on Windows 10 without any limitation. It runs phenomenally well in full-screen mode with a huge canvas having multiple tools, and layers.
You can even use an active stylus on this app and it supports palm rejection too, in case you have a touchscreen Windows 10 device. Simply put, Sketchbook by Autodesk does not need much introduction when it comes to drawing and sketching. The only thing you need to know is that you can get the same Procreate experience on Windows 10 through Autodesk Sketchbook.
2. Krita — Overall the Best
Krita is another powerful Procreate alternative that you can use on Windows 10. It’s a professional-grade drawing program which is completely free and open-source. You can create conceptual art, comics, and complex illustrations using many of its powerful tools. Recently, it got a huge update and the user interface has been significantly improved giving stiff competition to Procreate.
In case you are not aware, Krita is one one of the best Linux apps and many professionals use it for digital painting. So, if you are looking for the best drawing app like Procreate on Windows 10 which competes with the best tools then Krita is the program you need.
- Tools can be overwhelming
3. Adobe Illustrator — For Adobe Users
When it comes to graphics designing, how can we miss Adobe’s feature-rich Illustrator program? It has one of the best UI and packs intuitive controls for touchscreen devices. Sure, Adobe Illustrator primarily deals with vector graphics but you can also play with rasterization similar to Procreate. You can create everything from web icons and product packaging to book illustrations and billboards.
With Illustrator, you will get all the tools that you need to turn simple shapes and colors into sophisticated logos, icons, and graphics. Since you are working with vector graphics here, your artwork can scale anywhere from a small smartphone to a billboard.
You also get access to gorgeous typography and freehand drawing tools. I would say Adobe Illustrator is among the best Procreate alternatives for Windows 10 and you should definitely check it out.
Download (Free trial for 7 days, Subscription starts at $239.88/yr)
4. Concepts — Great New Illustrator for Windows 10
Concepts is one of the few Procreate alternatives that offers a similar level of touchscreen controls on an infinite canvas. It’s specially optimized for the Surface Pen, Surface Pro X and other ARM64 based Windows 10 devices. The best part is that if you have a touchscreen Windows laptop then you can access unique tools like the color dial. Further, Concepts offers almost zero latency just like Procreate.
You get a huge canvas where you can create illustrations, sketches, and design plans. Besides that, Concepts supports tilt and pressure modes which will help you while sketching intricate details with high precision. And just like other drawing apps, you get many kinds of pencils, brushes, and pens.
There is also this different canvas type where you can select the background from various textures and preset papers. If you are using an active stylus like Wacom (or another Apple pencil alternative), you can leverage its velocity feature for flexible sketching and drawing. Simply put, if you are looking for the best Procreate alternative for Windows 10 then do take a look at Concepts.
- Optimized for Surface devices
- Flexible brushes
- Best for illustrations and sketches
- Unique Dial
5. Corel Painter 2022 — For Advanced Users
Another great Procreate alternative for Windows 10 is the Corel Painter 2022 which brings a plethora of graphics tools to help you get the job done. Corel Painter markets itself as a tool for pros, created by the pros. Fortunately, that description is not far from the truth. You get a vast selection of brushes (more than 900), exclusive particles, pattern pens, thick paintbrushes, and much more.
Corel Painter is supported by its huge library of video tutorials which is great for beginners to get started. All in all, if you’re looking for the best Procreate alternative on Windows 10 then I suggest you try Corel Painter.
- Steep learning curve
6. Affinity Designer — Simple and Powerful
Affinity Designer is generally not recommended for drawing and sketching, but you can get the most out of it if you know how to use it. Using its vector illustrator, you can create some of the best graphic designs.
The app brings a complete graphic design solution for all of your needs, no matter if you are a beginner or a pro. My favorite thing about Affinity Designer is that all its tools and features are built keeping end-users in mind. That means they are easy to access and easy to learn and use.
Apart from illustrations, you can create icons, branding materials, printing projects, mockups, and more. Considering all the points, I would say, Affinity Designer certainly ranks among the best Procreate alternatives and it’s good at both vector and raster-based graphics designing.
- Best for vector illustration
- All-in-one graphics editing program
- Create all sorts of graphics
- Simple UI
Download (Free trial for 30 days, Costs one-time fee of $49.99)
7. MediBang Paint — Create Comics and Manga
MediBang Paint is another great Procreate alternative for Windows 10 especially if you are a manga or comics creator. The app offers various tools including over 800 tones/backgrounds, brushes, over 50 brushes, and 20 fonts style. It’s a simple and powerful tool for people who are just getting started with their comics or manga creator’s journey and want a tool that can help them learn and improve.
The app also offers cloud syncing across platforms. To sum up, for budding and professional comic creators, MediBang Paint can be a great tool, more so when it’s completely free to use.
- Best for Manga and Comic creators
- More than 50 brushes
- Over 800 backgrounds
- Beginner-friendly
8. ArtRage — Best for Beginners
ArtRage might not be as popular as Procreate or other programs mentioned on this list, but it’s surely one of the potential painting apps that you can use on Windows 10. It has a range of realistic painting tools to craft amazing paintings and artworks. From neatly designed pencils to oil painting brushes, the software has checked off most essential boxes to make sketching a pleasing experience for both beginners and pros.
Furthermore, it also allows you to fine-tune all of your favorite tools for more flexibility. As for the user-interface, I think ArtRage has kept everything minimal so that beginners can easily get started with the app. I think if you are a beginner in drawing and looking for a Procreate alternative on Windows 10 then ArtRage might be the one you need.
9. Clip Studio Paint — Lightweight and Feature-rich
If you like the natural brush feel of Procreate then Clip Studio Paint would be a suitable pick for drawing on Windows PC. First and foremost, the software comes with a robust brush engine that enables you to create beautiful artworks with pinpoint precision. Thanks to the much-improved control, you can craft every stroke with its long line of creative tools.
Besides, the app has one of the biggest libraries of brushes, allowing you to pick and choose your tools based on the art you wish to create. And if you want to have even more control, you can also personalize your tools so that they can stay in sync with your particular style of drawing. All in all, Clip Studio Paint is a feature-packed alternative to Procreate and you should give it a shot.
- Features powerful brush engine
- Lightweight, but feature-packed
- Cross-device syncing
- Huge range of brushes
Download (Free trial for 3 months, Costs one-time fee of $49.99)
10. Inkscape — Free and Open-source
Inkscape is our final app on this list and we have mainly included it for the reason that it’s completely free and open-source. You can use Inkscape for vector drawing on your Windows 10 laptop. Not to mention, just like Procreate, you get pro tools like flyout, anchor, and smart navigate.
The program is quite advanced and comes with all the controls that you need for creating complex paintings, arts, logos, and more. Further, you have access to tools like bezier and spiro curves, layers, color profiles, and a powerful text tool. To conclude, Inkscape may not be the very best in terms of raster graphics editing, but it’s a solid program for vector designing.
- Free and open-source
- Advance color profiles and layers
- Powerful text tool
Procreate is a full-featured painting app designed for iPad. It gives artists the exact control they need to create stunning works of art. Procreate app is suited for all skill levels, whether you’re an experienced artist or just getting started. The app has been designed from the ground up to feel natural and intuitive to use, with an interface that puts all the controls you need right at your fingertips.
App includes a massive range of iPad-optimized tools and features, including advanced layers, vector masking, customizable brushes, and a massive color palette. It gives you access to texture packs that are available for purchase on the App Store (but mind that you can’t get Procreate mac version).
The app features a fully customizable canvas, allowing you to choose your preferred canvas size and orientation; however, there is no Procreate PC version at all.
It is fully compatible with the Apple Pencil and Smart Connector, allowing for the full range of expressive tools. It has a full-featured, easy-to-use file manager, so you can import and export images easily. The app is suited for both portrait and landscape orientations, but there is no Procreate computer version.
The app features a huge range of natural media tools, including pencils, charcoal, watercolor, and felt-tip markers. Each tool has been carefully crafted for a realistic drawing experience, including pressure-sensitive opacity, tilt recognition, and even a built-in ruler. It’s a great paid app, and there is no Procreate free download option available.
The app is designed to be as intuitive as possible, with immediate access to all of its tools and settings. After Procreate download, the app allows the user to work with a set of tools, and the results are very good. It has a large set of brushes and also many other tools for editing and manipulating pictures.
The brush sizes and color options are another plus. It has an intuitive system for saving and storing works.
Q1: What is Procreate?
A1: It is a painting and drawing application developed by Savage Interactive for the iPad. The app is compatible with the Apple Pencil and is noted for its use of Apple Metal to provide an exceptionally smooth and realistic painting and drawing experience.
Q2: Is there a Windows version of the app?
A2: No, the app is compatible with the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch; and it works on all iPad models. Unfortunately there are no plans to release Procreate app Windows version.
Q3: Is there a free Procreate app?
A3: Unfortunately, it is a paid iPad app. However, if you’re prepared to spend a few dollars, you can get a well-designed tool for your artwork.
Q4: Is application available for Android?
A4: There is no current release of Procreate Android version. It’s a fact that has frustrated many Android users, but one that is out of our control. The app is only available on iOS, and the developers have no plans to change this.
Q5: Is it true that it is the best drawing app?
A5: I suspect that it all depends on what you’re used to. The interface is certainly great, but the lack of pen tilt support isn’t ideal for artists who would like to explore that feature.
I also believe that app’s pressure sensitivity is on the low side, but if you’re used to drawing with the Apple Pencil, then you probably won’t notice the difference. You can browse the Internet for Procreate free app alternatives.
It is a powerful, fun, and intuitive app for creating stunning drawings, paintings, and illustrations. Procreate app download is the perfect choice for anyone from the casual doodler to the serious artist.
It is a unique app for iPad users. It’s not just a tool to create art. It’s a very powerful and versatile app. But it requires you to have some time to learn it. It will be the best app for you if you can learn the ins and outs of the app.