One of the most popular free ad blockers for Firefox. Block annoying ads on sites like Facebook, YouTube and all other websites.
Adblock Plus blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by not blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable).
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Get the free ad blocker for Firefox. With almost 500 million downloads to date!
✓ Block annoying ads and popups
✓ Block video ads on sites like YouTube
✓ Speed-up loading time on pages
✓ Reduce risk of «malvertising» infections
✓ Protect your privacy by stopping trackers from following your online activity
✓ Block social media icons tracking
The ad blocker’s additional features enable you to easily support your favorite websites by whitelisting them, to add or create your own filters, and to block social media icons tracking.
Adblock Plus supports the Acceptable Ads initiative. Acceptable Ads are shown by default, which helps support websites that rely on advertising revenue but choose to only display nonintrusive ads. This can be disabled at any time for users who wish to block all ads. The initiative allows content producers to receive monetization for their work and helps create an environment of fairness and sustainability for user, advertiser, and creator alike. Learn more
By downloading and installing this extension, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
Report this add-on for abuse
If you think this add-on violates Mozilla’s add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form.
Please don’t use this form to report bugs or request add-on features; this report will be sent to Mozilla and not to the add-on developer.
This add-on needs to:
- Extend developer tools to access your data in open tabs
- Display notifications to you
- Access browser tabs
- Store unlimited amount of client-side data
- Access browser activity during navigation
- Access your data for all websites
Learn more about permissions
Adblock Plus от Adblock Plus
Этот бесплатный блокировщик рекламы для Firefox блокирует раздражающую рекламу на любых сайтах, включая Facebook и YouTube.
Adblock Plus блокирует раздражающую рекламу и поддерживает сайты, по умолчанию разрешая ненавязчивую рекламу (настраивается).
Метаданные расширения
Загрузите бесплатный блокировщик рекламы для Firefox. На сегодняшний день около 500 миллионов загрузок!
✓ Блокировка назойливой рекламы и всплывающих баннеров
✓ Блокировка рекламных видео на таких сайтах, как YouTube
✓ Ускоренная загрузка интернет-страниц
✓ Снижение риска от «вредоносной» рекламы
✓ Защита конфиденциальности посредством блокировки отслеживания Ваших действий в интернете
✓ Блокировка отслеживания иконок социальных сетей
Дополнительные функции блокировщика рекламы позволяют поддерживать Ваши любимые сайты путем внесения их в список исключений, добавлять или создавать собственные фильтры, а также блокировать отслеживание иконок социальных сетей.
Adblock Plus поддерживает инициативу «Допустимая реклама». Допустимая реклама отображается по умолчанию, что позволяет поддерживать сайты, получающие доход с ненавязчивой рекламы. Эту функцию можно отключить в любое время, если пользователь желает заблокировать всю рекламу. Инициатива дает авторам контента возможность получать монетизацию за свою работу и способствует формированию честной и безопасной среды для пользователей, рекламодателей и авторов. Подробности по ссылке:
Загружая и устанавливая данное расширение, вы принимаете наши Условия использования и Политику конфиденциальности.
Сообщить о нарушении правил этим дополнением
Если вы считаете, что это дополнение нарушает политики Mozilla в отношении дополнений, или имеет проблемы с безопасностью или приватностью, сообщите об этих проблемах в Mozilla, используя эту форму.
Не используйте эту форму, чтобы сообщать об ошибках или запрашивать новые функции в дополнении; это сообщение будет отправлено в Mozilla, а не разработчику дополнения.
Этому дополнению нужно:
- Разрешать инструментам разработчика получать доступ к вашим данным в открытых вкладках
- Показывать вам уведомления
- Получать доступ ко вкладкам браузера
- Хранить неограниченное количество данных на стороне клиента
- Получать доступ к активности браузера при навигации
- Получать доступ к вашим данных на всех сайтах
Узнать больше о разрешениях
Скачать Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox
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О программе Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox:
Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox – расширение для второго по популярности браузера в мире, предназначенное для скрытия рекламных объявлений. Позволяет скрыть подавляющее большинство рекламы. Возможно использование расширения только для определённых сайтов и ресурсов. Кроме того, присутствует возможность разрешить показ неназойливой рекламы.
- Бесплатность и доступность расширения;
- Высокая популярность (более 13 млн. активных пользователей), что значительно уменьшает вероятность «забрасывания» расширения, то есть отсутствия поддержки и обновлений;
- Высокая стабильность;
- Возможность не блокировать рекламу на сайтах, указанных в настройках расширения;
- Наличие дополнений, расширяющих возможности Adblock Plus.
- Может блокировать не все рекламные объявления;
- Некоторые ресурсы настойчиво требуют выключить расширение, мешая просмотру контента, либо же вовсе его скрывая. Кроме того, функционал некоторых ресурсов с включенным расширением может быть ограничен.
Полная спецификация Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox:
Общая информация | |
Название | Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox |
Издатель | Eyeo |
Веб-сайт издателя | Не указан |
Дата выпуска | Неизвестна |
Добавлено | декабрь 3, 2018 |
Версия | 3.5.2 для Mozilla Firefox |
Категория | |
Категория | Блокировщики рекламы |
Часто ищут | Блокировщик рекламы для Windows Блокировщик рекламы на русском Блокировщик рекламы для браузеров Блокировщик всплывающих окон |
Операционная система | |
Операционная система | Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP |
Дополнительные условия | Нет |
Языковая локализация | |
Язык | Русский |
Ручная установка | Нет |
Информация о файле | |
Размер файла | 1.19 Mb |
Имя файла | adblockplus-3.5.2.xpi |
Популярность | |
Посмотрели | 1 984 |
Всего загрузок | 384 |
Загрузок за прошлую неделю | 12 |
Загрузок за текущую неделю | 10 |
Отзывов | 0 [ оставить отзыв ] |
Комментариев | 0 [ комментировать ] |
Рассказали о нас |
Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox скачать бесплатно
СкриншотыНажмите на изображение чтобы его увеличить. Отзывы пользователейЕще нет отзывов у этого приложения — ваш может стать первым. Мой отзывОбсуждение и решение проблемПохоже нет никаких вопросов и комментариев к этому приложению. Мой комментарийЧасто задаваемые вопросы (FAQ)Для того чтобы загрузить Adblock Plus для Mozilla Firefox, следуйте простым инструкциям:
Мы не просим Вас проходить нудный процесс регистрации или отправлять какие либо СМС для подтверждения. Просто скачивайте и пользуйтесь на здоровье =)
The ad blocker – a secret weapon against annoying ads.So many ads, so little patience… It’s time to stop the madness.The average person sees an average of 4,000 ads a day. If you think that’s too many, an ad blocker is your new best friend. An ad blocker is a piece of software that can be used to block ads, and they work in two ways. The first way is when an ad blocker blocks the signal from an advertiser’s server, so the ad never shows up on your page. Another way ad blockers work is by blocking out sections of a website that could be ads. These ads might be loud video ads, ads that follow you around the web, trackers, third-party cookies, and more. To use an ad blocker, you can search for ad blocker add-ons that are available in your browser. Firefox, for example, has this list of approved ad blocker add-ons. Click on this list (or ad blockers that are approved for your browser) and see which fits your needs. Download Firefox — English (US) Your system may not meet the requirements for Firefox, but you can try one of these versions: Download Firefox — English (US)
Firefox Privacy Notice Find the right ad blocker for youThere’s AdBlocker Ultimate that gets rid of every single ad, but buyer beware. Some of your favorite newspapers and magazines rely on advertising. Too many people blocking their ads could put them out of business. Popup ads are the worst. Block them with Popup Blocker and never deal with another annoying popup again. One of the most popular ad blockers for Chrome, Safari and Firefox is AdBlock. Use it to block ads on Facebook, YouTube and Hulu. Create a tracker-free zone with Content BlockingOn Firefox, you can use Privacy or Content Blocking settings to get even more control over ad trackers that serve you the ads. Choose your level of protectionTo start, click on the Firefox menu in the top right-hand corner of your screen. It looks like three lines stacked on top of each other. In the drop-down menu, click on Content Blocking. You should see a blue pop-up with different selections. Go easy with Standard modeIf ads don’t bother you and you don’t mind being followed by trackers and third-party cookies, then the Standard setting should work for you. To get trackers off your tail in Standard mode, use a Private Browsing window. Get tough with Strict modeIf seeing too many ads ruins your day, then the Strict mode is a better fit. This mode will block known third-party trackers and cookies in all Firefox windows. Do-it-yourself Custom modeThe Custom setting gives you the ultimate choice. You can decide what you’re blocking, including trackers, cookies and more. If you allow cookies from a website, you’ll automatically be in Custom mode. Cover your trail, block trackersClick on the Trackers box and you’ll be able to block trackers in two ways. One way to block trackers is to do it when you’re working in a Private Window. Another way to do it is to block trackers in all windows. Keep in mind that if you choose to always block trackers, some pages might not load correctly. Take a bite out of cookiesCookies are sent by websites you visit. They live on your computer and monitor what you’ve been doing on a site. When an airline hikes your rates because you’ve looked at plane tickets once that day, that is the handiwork of a cookie. In Firefox, you can block all third-party cookies or just those set by trackers. Be aware that blocking all cookies can break some sites. Send a Do Not Track signalIf you don’t want your online behavior used for ads, you can send websites a polite “thanks but no thanks” letter by checking the Do Not Track option of Firefox. Participation is voluntary, but the websites that participate will stop tracking you immediately. Speed up thanks to ad blockersIn some cases, an ad blocker can help your browser go faster. When an ad is loading, it can slow down a website. At the same time, it takes longer to find what you’re looking for if you’re too busy closing yet another ad. If you want to learn more about ad blocking, there are hundreds of ad blocker extensions available for Firefox and other browsers. If want to try out the ad blockers Firefox uses, click here to download a browser that puts privacy first.
AdBlock for FirefoxAdBlock for Firefox has been downloaded more than 10 million times and has over 1,500 5-star reviews. If you’re looking for a powerful ad blocker to block video ads, pop-ups, and ads on popular sites like YouTube and Facebook, AdBlock for Firefox has you covered. AdBlock User Reviews Excellent app — Exceeding expectations & a continued forerunner in the field of both browsing security & respect for user rights. AdBlock does the trick! Annoying ads got on my nerves for years. No more! This app is for me. It’s a part of life when I’m on the web. Thanks AdBlock! What is AdBlock for Firefox?AdBlock for Firefox is an ad blocking add-on (or browser extension), which means it blocks Firefox ads and prevents advertisers from tracking you across the web. AdBlock is used by more than 1 million Firefox users to block ads in Firefox, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That’s because AdBlock for Firefox is easy to install, simple to use, and allows you to browse the web without worries or distractions. How To InstallYou can install the latest version of AdBlock for Firefox from the Firefox Add-Ons Store. When prompted, click OK to accept the permissions for AdBlock and complete the installation. Block Firefox Ads and Pop-UpsAdBlock for Firefox protects you from annoying ads, pop-ups, and other distractions. It removes ads on Facebook, YouTube, Google, and all of your favorite websites. AdBlock lets you stop Firefox ads for good and browse distraction-free! Remove YouTube AdsAdBlock for Firefox starts blocking YouTube ads from the moment you install: say goodbye to pre-roll, mid-roll, even the ads in the “Up Next” sidebar! AdBlock allows you to experience YouTube completely free from distracting ads. YouTube Ad Blocking ChoicesMany AdBlock users want to support YouTube creators they like, while continuing to block other ads on YouTube. AdBlock is the only YouTube ad blocker for Firefox that provides an easy option for allowing ads on your favorite channels. With just a few clicks, you can support your favorite content creators (while keeping ads blocked everywhere else). Using this option lets you show support for your favorite YouTube channels without having to manually pause and unpause ad blocking each time you visit. Block Twitch AdsAdBlock provides Twitch ad blocking like no other ad blocker on the market—literally. AdBlock is the only Firefox ad blocker with a unique way of hiding and muting all ads on your favorite Twitch streams. In the AdBlock options menu select “Enable hiding of streaming ads on Twitch” to tell AdBlock to hide and mute most ads that play mid-stream on Twitch. Frequently Asked QuestionsIn most cases, installing AdBlock is as simple as visiting our website from your preferred browser and clicking Get AdBlock Now. Visit our Help Center for more detailed browser-specific installation instructions. No. AdBlock for Firefox is free to use. However, we rely on your support to continue developing AdBlock and there are several ways to help. You can make a donation or try out our premium features. But there’s never an obligation to pay. We want to make the internet a happier place for everyone, regardless of whether they’re able to support us. Yes. AdBlock is safe to install and free from any form of malware. But keep in mind that the official browser extension stores and our website are the only safe places to get AdBlock. If you install “AdBlock” from anywhere else, it may contain malware that can infect your computer. AdBlock is open source software, which means that anyone can access our code and use it for their own purposes. Unfortunately that means there are a lot of copycat ad blockers out there, so it’s important to be extra cautious when installing an extension like AdBlock. No one wants to end up with adware when installing an ad blocker! When you install AdBlock for the first time, AdBlock will request some permissions to operate within your browser. It will look something like this: «AdBlock can read, modify, and transmit content from all web pages. This could include sensitive information like passwords, phone numbers, and credit cards.» Although the exact wording depends on which browser you use, the warnings all sound a little scary. That’s because it’s important to be careful with your browser permissions! You should be aware of what your browser extensions can do. Ad blockers work by 1) blocking a web page’s requests to download ads from the servers that host them and, 2) hiding any ads that can’t be blocked. To do that, the extension needs to:
It’s important to know that just because AdBlock can see everything on a web page, it doesn’t mean it actually does anything with it. The extension does not record your browsing history, capture your passwords or bank account numbers, or secretly collect or change data you submit on a web form. We regularly obfuscate all personally identifiable information in our logs, making all the data we have completely anonymous. Most importantly, we do not target or sell any of the data we collect, personally identifiable or not. Tracking and selling user data goes against everything we stand for as a company. For more information, we encourage you to review our privacy policy. AdBlock uses lists of rules called filter lists to know what things it should block and hide on the web pages you visit. While AdBlock starts blocking ads from the moment you install it, filter lists allow you to further customize what you see (and don’t see) online. For instance, you can use filter lists to block things like newsletter pop-ups, social media widgets, and cookie warnings. If you’re highly technical, you can even create your own custom filters. If you’d prefer to “set it and forget it,” you can do that, too! Upon installing AdBlock, you’ll be subscribed to the filter lists you need to block annoying ads and help improve your browsing experience without any additional work required.
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